Rights In Action (RIA) are a quality assured organisation who is certified by Global Mark to continue in the delivery of the National Disability Advocacy Program (NDAP) funded by the Dept Social Services.
RIA have recently been externally audited and are proud to announce that we have achieved re-certification under the National Standards of Disability Services (NSDS) by Global Mark.

We encourage you to give us feedback, at any time and have opened a feedback form for people with a disability, RIA current or past clients, stakeholders, family members, carers or parents of people with disability.
Our newsletter is also a platform where you can seek to share your stories or personal experiences in receiving direct, independent advocacy and we encourage you to reach out to us; we’d love to hear from you.

“Have Your Say” is about you giving your opinion on whether you are satisfied with our services, programs and advocacy support. If you are not happy or dissatisfied, RIA will always do our best to assist you achieve your advocacy goals.
As a NDAP provider, we need to ensure your feedback or complaints contribute to continuous improvement and your personal information is kept confidential and secure.

So that RIA can achieve the best outcomes for our clients, our members and people with disability in FNQ, your feedback is vital and we encourage you to “have your say” !!