RIA provides independent advocacy and support to appeal NDIA decisions to people with disabilities in Cairns, Yarrabah, Mareeba and the Atherton Tablelands. We have assisted over 1,200 people in the past 15 years. Our RIA Board of Management currently represents over 80 members, who are committed to social justice, equity and human rights for all people with disabilities, and we are a professional and quality assured organisation under the National Standards for Disability Services.
Membership fees are a small contribution of $5.00 per year or $20 for 5 years. However, we do accept more generous financial donations.

Membership benefits include:
• You receive our quarterly Newsletter that provides current information on local services, systemic issues and campaigns, changes to government legislation, social events and activities.
• You can contribute to the direction of our organisation by attending meetings and providing your views and feedback that is welcomed and valued.
• Financial members are encouraged to nominate as a Board member at our annual general meeting.

I agree with the Rights in Action Mission Statement and the objectives of the Association.

People with disability have access to independent disability advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of human rights and enables them to participate as valued members of the community and to pursue their life goals.